Realtà di primo piano nel campo degli adesivi, dei sigillanti e dei rivestimenti funzionali, Henkel intensifica gli sforzi per offrire nuove soluzioni per le applicazioni led più all'avanguardia. Infatti, Henkel offre un ampio ventaglio di soluzioni per le aziende di lampade e dispositivi luminosi.
“I fanali delle automobili, le insegne di ristoranti e negozi, i display dei PC e degli smartphone sono alcuni degli oggetti di uso comune che impiegano tecnologie led”, ha spiegato Mike Olosky, corporate senior vice president, global head of innovation and new business development di Henkel Adhesive Technologies. “Questi oggetti hanno un elemento comune: sono tutti assemblati utilizzando adesivi ad alte prestazioni”. Esempi di prodotti particolarmente innovativi sono Loctite SI 5700, il silicone bicomponente ultra-trasparente che polimerizza a temperatura ambiente per poliaddizione, e Technomelt AS 4226, che combina i vantaggi dello stampaggio a bassa pressione con un aspetto assolutamente trasparente.
Enabling a bright new Future
LEDs have become the leading technology for lighting solutions globally. McKinsey states that over 70% of lighting worldwide will be LED-based by 2020. Henkel Adhesive Technologies, the leading solution provider for adhesives, sealants and functional coatings, is a key supplier and development partner for luminaire companies around the globe. “The headlights of cars, illuminated advertising of stores and restaurants, desktop computer screens or smartphone displays – these are examples of everyday objects using LED technology,” states Mike Olosky, Corporate Senior Vice President and Global Head of Innovation and New Business Development at Henkel Adhesive Technologies. “What they have in common: They are all built with the application of high-performing adhesives.”
However, rising consumer expectations and increasing regulatory requirements create challenges: The overarching goal is to provide long life for LED lighting devices, even in applications exposed to harsh conditions, such as extreme temperatures, dust, dirt, vibration and underwater immersion. Henkel Adhesive Technologies is continuously working on innovation in the areas of bonding and sealing, potting, thermal management, surface treatment and low-pressure molding – enabling lighting manufacturers to succeed in their markets. Examples of such innovations:
Loctite SI 5700 is a highly-transparent encapsulating compound meeting particularly high temperature and media resistance requirements. It has been developed specifically for tasks such as sealing energy-efficient, weather-proof LED arrays, advertising signs, or illuminated lettering.
Technomelt AS 4226 combines all the advantages of low-pressure molding with a crystal clear appearance. It is resistant to UV radiation, moisture and extreme weathering. With its transparency and robustness, it is ideal for the encapsulation of LEDs and light engines designed for service in the wide outdoors, e.g. street lamps and tunnel luminaires.
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