È dotata di una serratura elettromeccanica la porta blindata Futura di Gardesa, che prevede dunque una modalità di apertura automatica abbinata a una serratura a cilindro europeo protetto da defender. La componente elettronica assicura un sistema d'apertura e chiusura sicuro e semplice da usare.
Futura è dotata di una chiave elettronica transponder D25, che permette di azionare la fuoriuscita e il rientro dei chiavistelli: per aprire la porta basta avvicinare la chiave (anche tenendola in tasca o in borsa) alla porta. Anche la chiusura è automatica e prevede la segnalazione, in caso di un funzionamento scorretto, da parte di un indicatore acustico.
Futura: smart security according to Gardesa
Futura, the security door with electronic-mechanical lock, is the concrete application of Gardesa towards the technological progress, an attention that the company of Piacenza grows for years in order to satisfy the needs for security and protection of its customers. Technology and innovation: These are the keywords that drive the research and development division of Gardesa. The electronics enters the security doors in order to grant a safe and easy to opening - closing system, based on a programming system accessible to everyone.
Futura is a security door which provides an automatic opening system combined with a traditional European Cylinder locking system protected by defender. Futura is equipped with electronic transponder key D25 that allows opening and closing of the locking system in a very easy, practical and reliable way: it is enough to come near the door with the key in your pocket or bag to allow the opening. Also the closure is automatic and signaled by an acoustic tone in case of a wrong working. The screen provides access control and identifies any problems resulting from misuse thanks to a self-diagnostic system. In case of theft or loss you will simply disable the lost key, preventing the entry of potential troublemakers.
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