È un marcatore permanente a base alcol, atossico e resistente all'acqua il nuovo Punto Mark a marchio Blueman distribuito da Ullmann. Tale marcatore ha la punta in metallo (lunga 20 mm e dal diametro di 1 mm) con terminale in fibra acrilica e permette la marcatura a distanza anche laddove non è semplice arrivare con la mano o con un comune marcatore standard.
Punto Mark ha corpo della penna in plastica e il tappo antisoffocamento posizionabile sul retro con chiusura di sicurezza con click. Questo prodotto è perfetto per la marcatura industriale.
PUNTO MARK – Carpenter Pen: the marker that marks exactly where it’s not easy to get
Ullmann of Genova, exclusive distributor of two important brands of professional markers SNOWMAN and BLUEMAN, proves itself again to be one of the Italian leading companies specialized in the industrial marking. The latest item presented on the market is certainly interesting for many professionals. It is in fact a permanent marker alcohol based, non-toxic, water-resistant, with a metal tip - 20 mm long and 1 mm diameter – and a point in acrylic fiber that allows the marking at a distance, even where it’s not easy reachable with your hand or with a normal marker with standard tip. The pen’s body is plastic made, the cap anti-suffocation, placeable on the back and with safety lock. Imagine you have to score a point through a hole or a narrow slot, imagine you have to make a precise dot without any smudge, imagine you can’t see where you are marking in, … all that is possible and easy only with the new PuntoMark-Carpenter pen – Blueman brand.
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