

Sono state presentate a Cersaie

Tra i protagonisti dell'ultima edizione di Cersaie c'era anche Kale Italia, che ha presentato le ultime novità di Edilgres, Edilcuoghi e Campani. Edilgres ha arricchito la linea Stonelab con le collezioni Stone Gallery, mentre nella linea Concreetelab si è ampliata la collezione I Calchi.

In casa Edilcuoghi, Hause è la nuova colezione che comprende superfici accattivanti, mentre Superlativa è la linea ceramica effetto marmo da pavimento e rivestimenti in tre nuance cromatiche (bianco, grigio chiaro e grigio scuro). Move comprende invece una serie di muretti 10x40 in gres porcellanato. Pietra di Valle e Concreta, infine, sono le due nuove serie di Campani.



Kale Italia at Cersaie 2015 with the latest products from Edilgres, Edilcuoghi and Campani


Edilgres: innovations for Stonelab and Concretelab

Edilgres continues in the direction followed to date by extending the Stonelab line, a comprehensive range of contemporary porcelain surfaces for an attractive offering of the best natural stones. Among the new collections, Stone Gallery presents a selection of surfaces that are inspired by stones of different origins, from the incisive graphic effects and colours that faithfully echo the natural greys. Each one has a strong personality and specific aesthetic features. Stone Gallery is available in a natural finish in sizes 80x80, 40x80, 60x60 and 30x60, and in the large 60x120 size, and in the 30x60 hammered version for outdoors. The Tracks collection stands out for its visual power, a porcelain stoneware which evokes quartzite, metamorphic rock with highly differentiated shades. Available with four different graphic effects, incisive and full of detail and in a range that goes from clear Snow to dark Night, the collection includes a natural finish 30x60 and 60x60 and a wall version “Stonewall” to complete the indoor designs, designed to enhance kitchen backsplashs, backdrops and volumes. In the Concretelab line the I Calchi collection is finally extended, presenting new colours in the 20x120 slabs for large-scale architectural projects. The shades Essenza (Essence), Naturale (Natural), Polvere (Powder) and Carbone (Charcoal) are introduced, outlining an overall range of warm and cool tones of increasing intensity for designs which play with tone-on-tone colours. On ceramic surfaces, this series recreates vintage-effect wooden formwork and up-to-date, minimal casts: two different yet complementary effects that offer the perfect combination to decorate rooms in style.


Edilcuoghi: Edilcuoghi focuses on integrated designs and returns to presenting coverings

Haus is the new collection of Edilcuoghi which includes attractive and modern surfaces reminiscent of cement. Soft shading, soft graphic effects, muddy and glossy shades are the hallmark of a floor and wall line dedicated to the design of trendy residential and commercial spaces. In addition to the traditional natural finish 80x80, 60x60 and 30x60, the collection includes the original Hexagon size for customising spaces with creative geometry. Thanks to a rich range consisting of 12 different designs which can be mixed as you wish, they present decorations which can refresh the furnishing style. The coverings are coordinated with the floors and are presented in a 24x74 size rectified finish. Superlativa is the marble effect ceramic line for floors and coverings which includes three shades in increasing chromatic scale (white, light and dark grey) which can be perfectly combined with each other. There are also three floor surface finishes availble to the designer: natural matt, carved and honed. Finishes, colours and sizes (60x120, 20x120, 60x60, 30x60) always create new compositions. The coverings, proposed in combination with the floors, are in a 24x74 size rectified finish. The decorative range offers a hexagonal adornment with threedimensional layers ideal for covering niches and furnishing elements with a rough and deep surface. This is accompanied by a distinctive damask decoration characterised by precious applications in lustre. Move includes a wide range of 10x40 wall tiles in porcelain stoneware designed for material and original walls and for covering furnishing elements in order to revive contemporary interior spaces. The collection includes colours and shades in line with the other collections of Edilcuoghi, as well as with the stone, cement and wood effect flooring range. Metro proposes a warm and lively effect in its terracotta surfaces, Tube soft graphic effects and full of colour, Subway a typical brick effect.


Campani: Concreta and Pietra di Valle

Inspired by Valmalenco stone, extracted and processed according to an ancient tradition, the name Pietra di Valle conveys the uniqueness of a surface and artisan culture rooted in the Italian territory. Manual skill and precision in the processing techniques are the attributes that give this stone an original character, visible in its lamellar grain arranged in parallel layers. A peculiarity which, along with its many colours, makes it a technical and functional ceramic porcelain, for a versatile and sustainable contemporary habitat. The two floor sizes 60x60, 30x60 are accompanied by the 30x60 Wall version. The new Concreta range by Campani focuses on the interpretation of concrete for designer floors in two sizes: 60x60 and 30x60. The focal point of the collection is the special decoration in the 30x60 which presents an innovative interpretation of traditional majolica designs in a modern way, through an attractive aged effect which is slightly stressed.




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