Betafence Italia ha recentemente presentato l'Annual Report 2014, da cui è emerso un aumento dei ricavi e del flusso di cassa in confronto all'anno precedente. I ricavi sono passati dai 37.207.349 euro del 2013 ai 39.799.351 euro dell'anno passato, con un incremento del 7%. Inoltre, l'EBITDA ha raggiunto i 4.764.146 euro (12%).
Grazie all'aumento di liquidità e a un'accorta gestione del rischio, che ha portato a superare la volatilità dei mercati, oggi Betafence Italia ha una solidità finanziaria confermata. Per questi motivi, CVC Capital Partners, azionista di maggioranza del Gruppo Betafence, ha rinnovato la fiducia al management guidato dal ceo Michele Volpi (foto).
Betafence Italia presents the Annual Report 2014: a good financial performance and very positive results
Actually top in the field of fences and high security, Betafence Italia presents the Annual Report 2014. The performance proves to be excellent, showing an increase in revenues and cash flow over the previous year. Revenues increased from € 37,207,349 in 2013 to € 39,799,351 in 2014, marking a growth of around 7%. The EBITDA reached € 4,764,146, net income amounted to € 2,147,758 and the operating cash flow of more than € 5 million, above the company forecasts. Thanks to the increased liquidity and a careful risk management that led to overcome the volatility of Italian and international market, Betafence Italia portrays today a confirmed financial strength to all of its stakeholders. Therefore, CVC Capital Partners, majority shareholder of the Betafence Group and one of the top five private equity groups in the world, confirms the focus on this sector and renews its trust to the management led by CEO Michele Volpi.
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