Oltre a importanti autorità locali, alla cerimonia di premiazione della settima edizione dello Schweighofer Prize, che si è tenuta a Vienna, erano presenti anche 700 ospiti provenienti da più di 40 Stati. In questo contesto, a rappresentare l'eccellenza italiana c'era Rothoblaas con X-RAD, l'innovativo sistema di connessione per costruzioni in X-LAM che consente di superare gli attuali standard nel campo delle costruzioni in legno.
I numerosi vantaggi che assicura il sistema X-RAD sono: alta precisione, diminuzione dei tempi di posa in opera, maggiore sicurezza in cantiere, minor numero di componenti da usare per il fissaggio ed elevata sicurezza statica e sismica. Con tale sistema è possibile costruire edifici multipiano semplicemente e in poco tempo, arrivando ad altezze impensabili fino a oggi.
Rothoblaas recognised for innovation
16 June 2015 saw the awards ceremony for the seventh edition of the Schweighofer Prize in Vienna. This international award was founded in 2003 by the Industrialist Gerald Schweighofer, to offer recognition for ideas and technological developments from the last two years that stand out in terms of innovation, contributing to stronger competition between the various players in the European wood industry. With the attendance of 700 guests from 41 nations – including the Austrian Minister for Agriculture and the Environment, Andrä Rupprechter; the Minister for Labour and Social Affairs, Rudolf Hundstorfer; and the Mayor of Vienna, Michael Häupl – a jury of academics, industrialists, and representatives of institutions from the world of wood rewarded innovative work from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Italy.
Rothoblaas was there, flying the flag for Italian excellence, with X-RAD, its innovative connection system for X-LAM buildings which promises to redefine current standards in wood building. Rothoblaas was awarded the prize for the numerous and significant benefits offered by the X-RAD system: greater precision, reduced construction times, increased worksite safety, reduced number of components required to achieve solid fixing, and excellent static and seismic stability. This system allows the construction of multi-level buildings both quickly and simply, achieving heights which were simply unimaginable before now.
The X-RAD project is the fruit of four years of research and the strong commitment to innovation which characterises this multinational leader in fixings for wood building. Rothoblaas works daily for innovation and change. Processes for developing new products and improving the company's portfolio are part of Rothoblaas's DNA. Over the years, the company has succeeded in bringing about notable technological advancements, to the great benefit of carpenters and designers in the wood-building industry, often anticipating demand. This commitment to innovation is one of the reasons why Rothoblaas is the perfect partner to design and build with wood.
L'azienda è il fornitore ufficiale di utensili delle scuderie anche per il 2015
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LEGGI L'ARTICOLOTutta la creatività di Agatha Ruiz de la Prada nella nuova stufa a pellet Palazzetti
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